Social Networking - Online Investing: How do these two overlap?
I am writing a feature article for the National Post on how Social Networking Tools interact more and more with the Online Investing Community.
I chime in with a . . .
Don't be a fool. Taking advice from anonymous strangers on the Internet -- especially financial advice -- is for suckers.
If you'd to quote me, drop a line.
-- Ainandil
Some people do not learn. I heard back from homey:
Dear Ainandil,
When I ask a question, I invite arguments and opinions, not dogmatic insults. If you do a tiny bit of research you will find a vibrant industry developing around social networking for investing decisions. I do not think they are all fools and suckers. Not as much as following blindly the recommendations of investment banks that millions of shares in the stocks that they rate.
I'm going to forward to your brilliant reply to LinkedIn's customer service if I can.
Crybaby. He's telling on me, oh no!
Well, folks, you know me by now -- I just can't resist. I'm working up the right reply -- notes to follow. :)